E3 International - Partnering for low-carbon transformation

E3 International completed its 20+ year journey on 30th June 2019. We thank our clients for their support. This website is no longer active, and has been retained as a testimony to the efforts of its final team – Srian Abeysuriya, Stuart Dix and Jude Brissett, and to those before them - Craig Windram; Ross Eddington; Don Prentis; Brooke Hamilton; Judith Wilson; Andy Kerr; Kimberley Buss; Narelle Jenkins; Irene Tsimiklis; and Gerard McEvilly.

Low carbon transformation matters to your business because:

  1. Climate change has an economic dimension due its impact on asset and company values

  2. Disruptive new clean technologies and business models are eroding traditional sources of competitive advantage, as well as creating new opportunities for growth

  3. Customer preferences for low carbon products and services are driving the transformation of supply chains

  4. Institutional investors are acutely conscious of sustainability related risks and are exerting pressure on companies to identify such risks and demonstrate how they are being managed.