Greenhouse gas emissions and energy reporting is now established in many organisations but new requirements of the Australian NGER scheme may not fit easily into existing data management and reporting structures.
E3 specialises in complex greenhouse and energy reporting and provides advice to both industry and government on carbon accounting methods.
E3 has expertise in refining emissions accounting methods and can assist in the following complex aspects of greenhouse reporting.
Organisations reporting under the NGER legislation requirements in 2010/11, will, for the first time, need to provide statistical estimates of the level of uncertainty associated with their Scope 1 emissions.
As the OSCAR reporting tool will not have the capability to calculate uncertainty for this reporting period, corporations will need to determine the best way for their reporting system to deal with this new requirement. E3 is experienced in providing support to allow the expansion of existing systems or tools to meet new requirements.
E3 has developed compliance tools for the estimation of the levels of uncertainty associated with direct emissions. E3 has the skills and experience with uncertainty calculation requirements for both basic combustion and also complex industrial processes, under both the NGER Determination and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative.
Uncertainty analysis is also useful in understanding risk in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. This is important when using energy commodities such as coke, coal tar, and petroeulm coke which all have comparatively high default aggregate uncertainties. E3 can assist with developing this understanding.
E3 is experienced in the sampling, analysis and estimation methodologies required for developing site specific emission and energy content factors using higher order methods 2 and 3.
On the introduction of a price on carbon there may be distinct financial advantages in using more accurate carbon accounting methods to report emissions estimates.
E3 is uniquely placed to provide advice on the potential value of using higher order accounting methods, and ensuring sampling, analysis, and data retention activities meet both the legislative requirements and the evidentiary needs of auditors.
The carbon mass balance approach requires the quantification and identification of carbonaceous inputs, wastes and products.
Changes to the NGER Determination now allow many process types such as solid fuel manufacturing, petrochemical production, integrated metalworks, ferroalloy production and other metals production to use the carbon mass balance estimation methodology.
E3 International is one of the most experienced Australian consultants in the practical application of carbon mass balances, having provided our expertise to both industry and government.
The NGER legislation allows organisations to report smaller sites as a percentage of corporate totals. This reduces the reporting burden on organisations that can often struggle with accurately capturing data from smaller facilities.
E3 has experience in reporting small sites as a percentage of the corporate total and in the development of statistical models to reduce the number of sample sites needed. This can greatly simplify reporting requirements for some large organisations.
Contact us for further information on how we can assist with you NGERS reporting.